y me .....
Today i happened to see an article about a wimbledon player Arthur Ashe (i dunno him) who was dying of AIDS which he got due to infected blood he received during a heart surgery in 1983. One of his fan had asked him, "Why does GOD have to select you for such a bad disease"?. The reply just impressed me, it goes like this, 5 crore children start playing tennis, 50 lakh learn to play tennis, 5 lakh learn professionaltennis , 50,000 come to the circuit, 5000 reach the grand slam, 50 reach Wimbledon , 4 to semi final, 2 to the finals, When I was holding a cup I never asked GOD "Why me?". And today in pain I should not be asking GOD "Why me?". Yes in my point of view he is right, when we reach the acme of anything we do, either we dont think of god or at the max thank him. But we never ask this question. This leads to a conclusion take life as it comes & dont force things to happen. Its easy to tell but how far is it practical. According to me unless we stop comparing things, we cannot take life as it comes. If u stop comparing, there would be no competition, if there is no competition then no growth.hmm... its quite complex & confusing. Anyway one thing which i thought immediately on reading the article was always be happy. First we must learn to smile & at the same time try to keep others smiling. May be it seems to be more of philosophy rather than real life but i think its the fact. We generally feel comforatable with people who are cool & smiling. I should try that. i dunno how far is that possible.
Secondly i got a forwarded mail about the space shuttle columbia 'STS-107 ' which had 7 crew members on board, with indian-born woman kalpana chawla one among them . The mission was a failure, the shuttle disintegrated during the reentry into the earth's atmosphere, just 12mins before the scheduled time. Actually the pictures which i saw was the shuttle blowing, which was taken by a nasa satellite which really let me in vacuum. i just cannot imagine how it would be travelling alone in a no man land with a disaster ahead. Actually the mail was sent for the technology of nasa, but i felt really sorry for the crew and the team which should have worked all day and night for this mission. This reminds me the film apollo-13 which i like very much, even now i like to watch the movie. One can understand the feeling of the crews, their family & the support team when the mission is not goin in the way they wanted. Worth watching...
Below are the pictures which came to me today. i duuno from which site they had taken

Below are the pictures which came to me today. i duuno from which site they had taken

Good post!
I agree 100%. It's difficult to follow, but reminding ourselves of all the positives that happen to us and keeping in mind always that things could have been worse, helps us look at life more positively.
"What does not kill me, only makes me stronger" - Friedrich Nietzsche
"Hope is a good thing, good things dont die" - some movie (I think Shawshank Redemption).
I cannot imagine if I would remember all these if faced with almost certain death, like a space mission or terminal sickness. But for all the other challenges we face each day, we have to hold on to our hopes and dreams. Hoping for a better tomorrow helps us live through today. And ofcourse tomorrow will be better.
Very good post.
thnx guys
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