In this world each and everyone are busy or atleast we have learned to act as if we are busy. We think we are always busy but when we ask ourselves the answer would be no. Its my personal opinion. We actually miss many value things hmm.. Rather i would put like this, we ignore many things and feel later.
This mail which came to me really made me think, i hope most of you would have come across the same mail.
Mail : Its a conversation between a father and a girl child while they were crossing a river in a bridge, the father was kind of scared about his child and so asked his little daughter, "sweet heart hold my hand so that you don't fall into the river." The little girl replied, "No, Dad. You hold my hand." "What's the difference ?" was the fathers question. The girl replied, " If i hold your hand and something happends to me, chances are that i may let your hand go. But if you hold my hand, i know for sure that no matter what happens, you will never let my hand go." The crux is hold the person you love (in any sense), rather than expecting them to hold urs....
Yea its true, but can u imagine what would have happened to the girl if she holds the hand and something had gone wrong, whom to be blamed but finally gone is gone. Let it be in office, home, friends etc., the percentage may vary but we always think them to hold us rather than we taking the initiative. No one can be blamed, we are brought like that. I still remember my young age, while crossing the road my father used to tell traffic is heavy hold my hand (His opinion might be, the individual responsibilities should come from youger age). But from my own experience, i have missed important things due this lack of initiative. Hope i don't make the mistakes again. "The essence of trust is not in its bind, but in its bond." (Its really a good saying & according to me it has more weightage).